Bobby B.

Bobby B. liked the comment on my office - Frank and Dweezil

I believe this is the first time I see a picture of Frank Zappa wearing prescription glasses.......Read more
Bobby B.

Bobby B. liked the comment on my office - Frank and Dweezil

Thanks Terrence.  I miss him too.  Who are you? more
Bobby B.

Bobby B. liked the comment on my office - Frank and Dweezil

Awesome collection!!......Read more
Bobby B.

Bobby B. liked the comment on my office - Frank and Dweezil

Cool ......Read more
Bobby B.

Bobby B. posted a comment on the photo album my office - Frank and Dweezil

Thanks Terrence.  I miss him too.  Who are you? more
Bobby B.

Bobby B. uploaded a photo

Bobby B.

Bobby B. uploaded a photo

Bobby B.

Bobby B. uploaded a photo

Bobby B.

Bobby B. uploaded a photo

Bobby B.

Bobby B. posted the photo album my office - Frank and Dweezil

Bobby B.

Bobby B. liked the comment on T-Shirt Songs!

Bobby B. Dweezil writes about this track here: more
Bobby B.

Bobby B. posted a comment on the song T-Shirt Songs!

Hey Dweezil, keep it coming.  Can't get enough of both Zappas. No Beach is void of any notation.  Is it Live, what year? or other? Happy Father's Day.  Bobby......Read more
Bobby B.

Bobby B. posted a comment on the song Dweezil Zappa F.O.H.

Wish I'd have known that these are no wav files.  I probably would have taken a pass.......Read more
Bobby B.

Bobby B. posted a comment on the article DWEEZIL ZAPPA - APOSTROPHE LIVE ALBUM

And I'd like to see Apostrophe(') in CD format...........Read more