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Roy B. posted a comment on the song Season One - The Early Years
Hey Dweez,
Since you're sell’in vinyl anyway, how’s about making me a “copy” of Beat the Boots box sets 1, 2, & 3?......Read more

Roy B. posted a comment on the song Season One - The Early Years
Hey Dweez,
I currently live in the suburbs of Philadelphia PA (outside of Allentown, PA). Do you tour anymore? I’d Luv to see you in concert! I’d rush the stage, just for good measure. I ALWAYS found my way to the front of......Read more

Roy B. liked the comment on Dweezil - My Mother Is A Space Cadet
Hi Roy,
Welcome to the site and thank you for the kind words.......Read more

Roy B. posted a comment on the product DWEEZIL KN'EVIL BUNDLE
Sorry, I'm new here, so I don't know the nuances of the site. Memberships???? Why is an LP & Tee $50? I'd need more info about the music on the album, like maybe the sone title's. Don't worry, I don't give a damn about......Read more

Roy B. liked the comment on DWEEZIL KN'EVIL BUNDLE
Ok. So sorry for this. I'll get more info shortly. ......Read more

Roy B. liked the comment on DWEEZIL KN'EVIL BUNDLE
Hi Scott. Sorry for the trouble. Did this get resolved?......Read more

Roy B. posted a comment on the song Dweezil - My Mother Is A Space Cadet
I hope this finds you well in 2024...omg! As you can guess I am a huge fan of your Dad's music.
I only got to see him twice in concert, in Philadelphia. Boy, do I have a story to tell about the one show. Anyway,......Read more