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Benjamin L.

Benjamin L. liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Any chance episode 30 will drop before the end of the year Dweezil ?.......Read more
Benjamin L.

Benjamin L. posted a comment on the song ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

This was totally great!  Now of course I have to go relearn that high legato lick in eruption because I previously learned it the way Pete Thorn taught it.  Good thing Allen Garber figured it out for me already.  ;-)......Read more
Benjamin L.

Benjamin L. liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle more
Benjamin L.

Benjamin L. liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

What I love most about these podcasts is the replay-ability. I imagine many of us will still be regularly listening even 10 years from now. For this Aussie millennial, VH was not a part of my childhood, nor the childhoods of......Read more
Benjamin L.

Benjamin L. liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Oh yes. The Alex/Ryan episode is so great! Guitarists that study Edward cannot avoid studying Alex…or they avoid it at their own peril.  The legendary “swing time” of Alex and Edward is so often where guitarists throw up......Read more
Benjamin L.

Benjamin L. liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

You're welcome! It's interesting to see how much the smallest details influence the greater outcome. Playing with "intention" and "finger tone" influences the sound more than people think.......Read more
Benjamin L.

Benjamin L. liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

I always wished final episode would be wolfgang.......Read more
Benjamin L.

Benjamin L. posted a comment on the song ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Love the Ryan Brown episode!  Great to dig into Alex Van Halen's huge contribution to VH's sound.......Read more