David McCain
May The Fourth Be With You!
David McCain
Thank goodness for this site. It's keeping me " relatively " sane.
David McCain
Merry Christmas, folks. Be well and please be careful. Looking forward to hanging out with you all for 2024! Cheers!
David McCain
R.I.P. Jeff Beck. Just saw him last year back in November, near Sacramento. STELLAR show. DEEPLY sad about his passing. Damn.
David McCain
David McCain
Merry Christmas everyone. Be well and safe!
David McCain
Happy birthday to me! And, one of the best birthday presents that I could wish for is 1.) DZ and crew to tour again in 2023 and, while on tour, 2.) they play an out-of-tune live version of " Happy Birthday " for us all!
David McCain
Guitar weekend for me. Time to work on them blues phrases.
David McCain
Have a great weekend, friends!
David McCain
A question on the subscription. When I try to renew my silver subscription, it says I'm already subscribed. So: Do I wait until the subscription ends to renew it? Thanks!
David McCain
Sincere and wonderful birthday wishes to Dweezil today!
David McCain
Happy Independence Day everyone! Play Frank's music LOUDLY today to celebrate!
David McCain
Happy Father's Day to you all! And, if your own dad isn't with us on this beautiful planet, then be a dad that someone close to you NEEDS you to be for them. Peace.
David McCain
Happy Easter, folks! Make it a beautiful day. :)
David McCain
We got some rain up in the northern area but it's not enough to help out with the drought.
David McCain
Yay, the rain has stopped in Northern California. Time for some outdoor sunshine!
David McCain
Have a wonderful 2022, folks! Be well and healthy!
David McCain
Happy Thanksgiving folks!
David McCain
Happy birthday to Dweezil!!! Thanks for all that you do!
David McCain
Happy 4th of July to everyone! Be safe and well.
David McCain
TOTALLY dig the new colors on the site!
David McCain
Really enjoying the bonus episode with Greg Howe. Just killer stuff!
David McCain
This isn't a Zappa post, more of a movie one. But if you haven't seen Pixar/Disney's " Soul " movie, I HIGHLY recommend it. Lots of great ( Jazz ) music. Quality film for family movie night.
David McCain
Loved the live stream! AND, the secret word for today is " technology. "
David McCain
Uploaded a promo idea as per Dweezil! Hopefully the video will help get more people into this wonderful site.
David McCain
Merry Christmas, folks. Hope all is well, peaceful and good in your lives. Wishing you good cheer and safe passages through life. And extra special thanks to Dweezil for all that he has done, for us all. To quote Steve Vai: Peace and love and good happiness stuff to you all. DMC
David McCain
Just got the 5150 Bundle. The first podcast is stellar. Cheers!
David McCain
Rain, FINALLY, in the Northern California area. The air actually smells better!
David McCain
Happy Halloween, everyone! Be safe and well.
David McCain
Haven't been on this site lately because I'm getting more inspired to play the guitar after listening to all of the great music here ( haha )!